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Don't miss this amazing offer!

Complete Guided Meditation Bundle, only $17!
Access all of my guided meditations including: Psychic Gifts Activation, Morning Magic, Divine Love, Ancestral Healing and many, MANY MORE!!! 

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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • What is the refund policy?
    Due to the digital nature of this program as services are rendered at the time of purchase, therefore all sales are final and there are no refunds.
  • What types of results should I expect?
    As everyone is different and some will dedicate more time than others to this work, there is no way to know or guess at results. What we can say is that if you utilize these tools and dedicate yourself to the work, you will begin seeing quantum shifts in your life.
You are purchasing:

Unlock Your Magic$27

  • Total payment
  • 1xUnlock Your Magic$27
  • Guided Meditation Bundle$17

All prices in USD

What's Included:

5 Day Chakra Trinity Challenge: Journey through an activation of your lower three chakras to activate and attune your truth, sacred female energy, security, and connect with your sacred Trinity Temple.

Meet Your Higher Self: In this guided meditation you will be guided to the Star Chakra Chrysalis where you will meet and connect with your Higher Self, learn her name, and how to work with her.

Light Language Activation: Listen to this channeled Light Language recording as often as you like (at least daily) to help activate your cellular DNA and attune you to communications from the Divine.

How to Work With Light Language: In this guide I will show you how to work with Light Language Codes and use them to infuse your candles, food, water, and other instruments with your intentions for manifesting and creating.

Sacred Manifesting Ritual: Utilize this powerful, sacred manifesting ritual to attune and align your subconscious mind to work on your behalf to deliberately create your dream reality so that you can experience your desires.

Plus this bonus:

What happens after you pay:

Once payment has been processed you will be sent an email (be sure to check spam!) with instructions on how to log in to your client portal to access your program.

What people are saying:

Oh my God!!!!! I'm starting the chakra trinity challenge from the Unlock Your Magic Program & this woman is blowing my mind!!!!!! These are the missing pieces that I needed!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you Nancy Cooper!

Cassandra C.

I can't say enough positive things about Nancy! The Chakra Trinity Challenge was a powerful tool which brought unhealed trauma to the surface for me, that I was able to work through and heal from my body.

Brooke C.
Singer/Song Writer



 This program was not created to diagnose, treat, or cure anything and does not replace the help of a medical professional and should not be used for/or instead of professional medical care. The views and exercises in this program are purely for entertainment purposes.  

Due to the digital nature of this workshop, the Unlock Your Magic Activation is non-refundable. Payment for the services and materials is earned in its entirety at the time of purchase and as such, no refunds are provided under any circumstances, regardless of whether or not all services have been rendered or the program has been completed. 

All content of this workshop is protected under Copyright law. Nancy Cooper reserves the right to revoke access to the Unlock Your Magic Activation at her discretion. Thank you for your cooperation in keeping this a sacred space. By purchasing this program you are agreeing to the Terms of Use of  

Copyright Nancy Cooper 2021 Reproduction or distribution of the contents of this workshop, without written authorization from the author, is prohibited.