Do you desire a more aligned pleasureful experience in your business? 

Do you desire? 


More wealth

More pleasure

More time for you

More relaxation in your business

Do you find yourself struggling with the mindset around “leaving” people behind? Do you feel responsible for them or struggle with guilt when you want “more”?

 If so, you will find it next to impossible to level up into your next phase of growth. 

Here’s what one of my previous Channeled Business Reading clients said to me towards the end of our session. “I had absolutely no idea that my relationship was causing so many blockages in my business and money….” 

She was completely flabbergasted to learn that her old romantic relationship that was “over,” but she was still entertaining, was creating a major block in her business. 

 It wasn’t her program 

It wasn't her brand 

It wasn't her message 

 It was her fear to move forward 

To step outside of her comfort zone 

Her fear that if she continued to grow and make more money and experience more success, that she would become “undateable.” 

She had previously shared in the reading that finding quality men was really hard, and the more successful she became, the smaller the pool became…. 

As true as this may feel, it’s an illusion. 

 It’s one of those lies we tell ourselves because we are afraid of truly stepping into our power because we know we won’t “fit in.” 

We fear the rejection of others and being abandoned

It is one of the deepest wounds that we as women in society have and I too have experienced it myself, so I get it. 

So my question to you my beloved, is this… 

What if you could show up as your most fully expressed self and really step into your Sacred power?

How would that feel?  

How would you speak?


How would you show up

 How would you take care of that precious energy of yours? 

 Who would you share it with? 

Imagine how that would feel and visualize the women you already are!

Really Sit with that vision and know that it is all possible for you so that you can… 

-Love the skin you’re in 

-Show up as the sacred feminine goddess that you are 

-Run the business of your dreams 

-Wake up loving what you do and the clients you serve


Feel freedom and ease when you show up for your soul’s mission! 

If you desire to experience the joy of waking up to a life and business that excites you, lights you up and that you absolutely adore...

Book your own Channeled Business Reading now! 

 5 spots at this DEEPLY discounted offer of just $111 then price will increase! 

 Do not miss out on this life changing opportunity, beloved. 

 You deserve it all!

These readings are THE most powerful 45 - 60 minutes you will ever invest into your business!

We begin with card pulls and channeled messages that will bring guidance to every aspect of your business (and  probably
your personal life too - so be prepared ).

Some areas of work that may come up:
 Persecution wounds
  Abundance blocks
 Channeled content
New program ideas
Romantic life
Karmic cycles
Scaling strategies
Channeled messages
Prophetic visions
Collapsing time
Peering into the Quantum Realm
Finding your Highest Time Line
Light Language Activations

The Divine messages that come through during these readings are incredibly powerful and I (and spirit) don't hold back.

It's just not my style!

These channeled sessions pull a LOT of energy, therefore, I only open a select amount of spots each round so be sure to claim your space my beloved!  I don't want you to miss out on this life changing opportunity! 

As always, with readings, ego has no room, so we must come fully open and receptive to receive what is in the highest good for you and your goals at this moment in time. Sometimes the information we receive is nothing close to what we were expecting but the quantum leap the information we receive is mind blowing

You will absolutely want to have a pen and paper handy because when I get started the information flows!

I am an Activation Alchemist
By tuning into past and previous client's energy I have been able to help them quantum leap, clear blockages, activate their DNA, gain clear communication from their own higher guidance for their next steps, and even collapse time. I have been able to help women achieve, in just 45 - 60 minutes, what would have typically taken them months or years to do. 


Prior to our Zoom meeting I will begin tapping into your energy and clearing the cards.

When you hop on, there will be no questions, just your presence as we allow Spirit to bring through the first message to allow us to understand the overall theme of the reading.

I ask that you do not ask questions or provide feedback until prompted to prevent interrupting the flow of channeled information and divinely guided action that I am being instructed to take.

After the initial reading has been completed and the information has come through there will be time at the end where we can reflect on what came up for you, you may ask questions, and I will provide clarity for you!  

Book this session if you are truly ready to dig in, get real, and be able to receive the feedback for what it is: Feedback. 

There is no room for justifications, victim consciousness, or self-judgement. Spirit does not sugar coat things and this reading will be entered into with the energy of rapid transformation!

When you hop off, you will have a clear sense of direction and a true knowing of next steps you need to take within your life and business! 

NOTE: It is not uncommon for clients to receive energy healing, clearings, and activations during these sessions, so please be easy with yourself, rest and drink plenty of water for 24-48 hours after our work together.



Contact information

Billing address

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!


Channeled Business Reading 222$222

  • Total payment
  • 1xChanneled Business Reading 222$222

All prices in USD

What Happens After You Pay:

After your payment has processed you will be presented with a confirmation page

On the confirmation page there will be a link to click to schedule your call

Here you will be able to choose your date and time for your reading

Lastly you will be asked to fill out an intake form so I have a good snap shot of what is going on so I can best interpret the cards

Frequently Asked Questions:
  • Will I be present for this reading?
    Yes. We will be on Zoom together. Please make sure you're able to have video on so I can more easily read your energy.
  • What kind of results should I expect?
    There is no possible way to quantify the results and therefor there is not declaration of result guarantee.
  • What is the refund policy?
    All sales are final and there are no refunds.
  • Who and what do you channel?
    I channel my higher self known as Theia. I also will tap into your guides, angels, and loved ones. This is a high vibrational space and only high vibrational light beings who mean to aid you in your highest good will be able to connect or communicate with us.


Income Disclaimer: Nancy Cooper does not offer any guarantees or warranties pertaining to earning potential, income, or any results connected to the use of any recommendation, offering, program, service, coaching, or class she offers and wants to remind that with any advice, coaching, or readings, no result is guaranteed. By purchasing this reading you understand, acknowledge, and accept that no advice given is the replacement for professional or medical advice, your choice to apply any recommendations makes you fully responsible for the outcome and result you get, and at no point did Nancy Cooper make any claim or implication pertaining to your earning potential or future financial gain by utilizing this service . Results can differ based on each individuals skill level, execution, and other external and unpredictable factors.