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You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

Authority ActivationA Sacred Rite of Initiation$7


Special one-time offer, only $17
This Subliminal Sleep Recording has been custom curated to compliment this sacred activation. 

Imagine having your subconscious mind filled with affirming feedback - EVERY NIGHT - that reminds you of how powerful, deserving, and qualified you are, while also programming your beliefs to align with the truth that you are the flower to the bees and you attract your soulmate clients with grace and ease!

This will be an invaluable tool in your business growth and abundance expansion.
  • Total payment
  • 1xAuthority Activation$7
  • Authority Activation Subliminal Sleep Recording$17

All prices in USD

What happens after I pay?

  • After your payment has processed you will be presented with a confirmation page
  • On the confirmation page you will have access to a link that allows you to create or log in to your account to access your activation
  • If you purchase the Subliminal Sleep Recording you will find a link on the confirmation page to access that as well

Frequently Asked Questions:
  • How long will this process take?
    You will want to set aside at least 30 minutes to perform this ritual and receive your activation.
  • What is the refund policy?
    Due to the nature of this course containing proprietary information and including a digital aspect, all sales are final and there are no refunds.
  • Will I need any special tools?
    Yes, you will be provided a list of tools you will need.

Hello, beloved! 

My name is Nancy Cooper and I am an Intuitive Business and Feminine Embodiment Coach. 

As a psychic intuitive I use my gifts to help my clients get very clear on their mission, fine tune their programs, products, and offerings, and channel highly converting content so that they can call in their soul clients all from a deeply aligned energy. 

I have lovingly begun to be known in the coaching space as the “Queen of Anti-Cookie Cutter," because I know that no one size fits all strategy is a silver bullet for success and therefore help my clients create customized strategies - put together from the top strategies used in the online coaching space - for their business that help them achieve the results they desire while staying in their Sacred Feminine energy.  

I specialize in energetics, creating compelling content that calls in soulmate clients, and helping my clients craft one of a kind Signature Offers that enable them to get clear on their true power, who they serve, and why they are the authority in their niche. 

I look forward to connecting and serving you more in the future.
Much love and alchemy,
xo - Nancy

Income Disclaimer: 

Nancy Cooper does not offer any guarantees or warranties pertaining to earning potential, income, or any results connected to the use of any recommendation, offering, resource,  program, service, coaching, or class she offers and wants to remind that with any advice, coaching, or readings, no result is guaranteed. By purchasing this resource you understand, acknowledge, and accept that no advice given is the replacement for professional or medical advice, your choice to apply any recommendations makes you fully responsible for the outcome and result you get, and at no point did Nancy Cooper make any claim or implication pertaining to your earning potential or future financial gain by utilizing this resource. Results can differ based on each individuals skill level, execution, and other external and unpredictable factors.